Saturday, June 22, 2013

Acute-B 600 watt Second Lamp Head for the Acute-B 600 & 600R Generators.Demo

Profoto Acute-B 600 watt Second Lamp Head for the Acute-B 600 & 600R Generators.Demo

The new smaller Acute B Head is a perfect match for the Acute B 600, weighing a mere 1.45 kg, and using a new energy-saving 65W modeling lamp, with the effective brightness of nearly 100W. The Profoto Acute B Head gives you 600 Ws flashes, using a high-performance halogen lamp. When combined with its fan-free cooling, this translates into batteries that last longer
  • Binding: Electronics
  • Label: Profoto
  • Model: 900938 D
  • Product Group: Photography

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